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Q: What was the idea of blended inheritance and how did Mendel prove it wrong?
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What did Darwin not know about his theory of evolution?

A coherent mechanism of inheritance. His " blending " concept was totally wrong as Mendel showed that inheritance is particulate in nature.

How does Mendel theory of inheritance support Darwins theory of natural selection?

By giving the theory a mechanism of inheritance. Particulate inheritance, where each parent contributes chromosomes ( Mendel dod not know what a chromosome was and called genes " factors " ) that contain separate alleles that contribute to the progeny's traits. Darwin's idea of " blending " inheritance was completely wrong.

How did Charles Darwin influence Gregor Mendel?

He did not influence Darwin and Darwin did not know who he was. Darwin's ' blending theory of inheritance ' was wrong and though Darwin did not particularly like the theory he could think of nothing better to explain inheritance. There is a legend that Darwin had a copy of Mendel's work in his desk but could not read it because it was in German. Just a legend, though.

How did Mendel explain his theory's apparent conflict with Darwin's recent accepted theory of evolution.... What did he mean?

He was at a meeting in his home country and he was explaining his laws of heredity when someone mentioned that this was contra-Darwin. Mendel stood his ground and said Darwin was wrong here. Darwin had a mechanism of heredity that was pure speculation ( and he admitted that ) and very wrong. Mendel, mathematically and experimentally showed the laws of inheritance and showed it was particulate and not a blending of the traits.

When was Prove Me Wrong created?

Prove Me Wrong was created in 1991.

When was Prove You Wrong created?

Prove You Wrong was created on 1991-09-24.

Does science prove theories are wrong by using experiments?

An experiment can prove they are wrong or right ...:)

What does Gregor Mendel do?

He died in 1884 you moron and u spelled does wrong

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What does gregor Mendel do now?

He died in 1884 you moron and u spelled does wrong

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What important element of evidence or observation did Darwin's theory of evolution lack?

A mechanism of heredity. Darwin's concept, panspermia, was based on a blending of factors he called gremules that originated with either sex and were in the blood. This was shown to be completely wrong by Mendel's work on particulate inheritance.