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Gregor Mendel studied sweet pea plants and was the first to discover magnifie glass

(p.s. if i spelled something wrong sorry about that just as your parents):):D

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Q: How many characteristics did Gregor Mendel use in his experiments?
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Why did Gregor Mendel perform so many crosses for the same characteristics?

The first few tests showed the dominant characteristics, but after so many crosses, the recessive traits began to show.

Was Gregor Mendel a Christian?

yes he was a priest and many of his colleagues and professors trained him

What did Mendel test for many characteristics?


Why did Mendel use pea plants in his experiments?

They Self-fertilize. -Apex

What are the inventions of Gregor Mendel?

Gregor Mendel is called the father of genetics. He was a monk who studied pea plants to find out about genetics. He discovered many new things.A:Discovered the dominant and recessive mode of genetic inheritance A: (Exact quote) Gregor Mendel was carrying out experiments that would establish the foundation of modern genetics. In the classic experiments on peas performed by Mendel from 1857 to 1863, he found that each physical trait of the plant was controlled independently by its own unique pair of factors that he called elementen. These elementen are now known as genes. Each parent packages half of its genes into its gamete, the egg and sperm. Upon fertilization and conception, the embryo offspring inherits equal parts of its mother's and father's genes. The importance of Mendel's work went completely unrecognized during his lifetime. It wasn't until the early twentieth century when a new generation of scientists began to unravel the mechanism of heredity that the buried genius of his work was discovered.

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Who discovered the cell and why did he call it that?

Gregor mendel first found the cells but he called it characteristics. He did many experiments on pea plant

What kind of plants did Gregor Johann Mendel work with and why?

Gregor Mendel used pea plants in his experiments to study heredity

Why did Gregor Mendel perform so many crosses for the same characteristics?

The first few tests showed the dominant characteristics, but after so many crosses, the recessive traits began to show.

Why did Mendel use in his experiments?

They produce many offspring

What did Gregor Mendel achieve?

Gregor Mendel achieved a variety of triumphant breakthroughs in the genetics world and everything it had to offer. overall he also had many failures and so on.Basically what he had achieved was an explanation to why the plant's (pods that he experimented with) showed a variation in colour and other characteristics, this meant that he had to go through a series of experiments with what we now call genotypes and phenotypes and so but most importantly the dominant and recessive genes that occur during asexual reproduction.Mendels many other achievements are chronicled but this is no doubt one of the most historic and documented on.

What was Mendels contribution to the study of biology?

He undertook several breeding experiments with peas and thus he deduced the general rules of inheritance. His work was purely phenomenological, as he didn't understand how the characteristics were being passed down from generation to generation, but his works (when rediscovered) were a good start, as he was among the first biologists to use mathematical methods in his experiments.

Who is regarded as the founder of modern genetics?

Gregor Mendel essentially pioneered the field of genetics with his pea plant experiment.

Was Gregor Mendel a Christian?

yes he was a priest and many of his colleagues and professors trained him

What did Mendel test for many characteristics?


Why is Mendel important to science?

Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. He observed that pea plants had certain characteristics that were dominant. He concluded by observing the traits of cross breeding different types of pea plants that traits such as height, flower color, and seed shape were determined by dominant factors. Since Mendel laid down the principles of inheritance based on his experiments on hybridization in pea plant, a systematic study in genetics started to explain many unanswered questions. Mendel's contribution was recognized and he is rightly been considered as father of genetics. Mendel's approach of mathematics in biological science led him to arrive at such conclusions.

Why did Mendel use pea plants in his experiments?

They Self-fertilize. -Apex

What are the inventions of Gregor Mendel?

Gregor Mendel is called the father of genetics. He was a monk who studied pea plants to find out about genetics. He discovered many new things.A:Discovered the dominant and recessive mode of genetic inheritance A: (Exact quote) Gregor Mendel was carrying out experiments that would establish the foundation of modern genetics. In the classic experiments on peas performed by Mendel from 1857 to 1863, he found that each physical trait of the plant was controlled independently by its own unique pair of factors that he called elementen. These elementen are now known as genes. Each parent packages half of its genes into its gamete, the egg and sperm. Upon fertilization and conception, the embryo offspring inherits equal parts of its mother's and father's genes. The importance of Mendel's work went completely unrecognized during his lifetime. It wasn't until the early twentieth century when a new generation of scientists began to unravel the mechanism of heredity that the buried genius of his work was discovered.