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Q: What was the impact on the colonies when the French were removed from the Ohio River Valley and the Spanish were removed from Florida?
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Who fought who in the french and Indian war?

France, Great Britain, Indians, 13 colonies, New France, and Spanish Florida fought in the French and Indian War.

What was Georgia a buffer colony for?

Georgia was a buffer to protect England's colonies from Spain and France, whose colonies in Florida and Louisiana, respectively, were very close to Georgia and England's other colonies in the South.

Were the french or spanish colonies more successful?

Historical success can be measured in different ways. The Spanish colonies were more successful in terms of territorial expansion and extraction of resources, while French colonies were more focused on trade and cultural assimilation. Overall, both colonial empires had their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

How did the experience of African Americans under French and Spanish rule in North America compare to that in the British colonies?

People of African descent, brought to Florida and Louisiana during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, learned to speak Spanish or French rather than English, and they became Roman Catholics rather than Protestants. In addition, the routes to freedom were more plentiful in the Spanish and French colonies than they were in Britain's plantation colonies.

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colonies bought lousiiana from french, spanish colonization ended in 1989

Who fought the French in the French and Indian War?

France, Great Britain, Indians, 13 colonies, New France, and Spanish Florida fought in the French and Indian War.

What happened to the French settlers in Florida?

They were driven out by the Spanish.

Beginning of the French and Indian War?

spanish and french fight over florida

Why did the spanish colonize Florida?

The Spanish colonized Florida because as the English spread southward the Spanish control was threatened. In order to weaken the English colonies, in 1693 the Spanish announced that enslaved Africans that escaped to Florida would be protected and given property if they helped protect the colony. During the 1700's hundreds of slaves managed to escape to and fled to Florida.

What was the result of the French and the Spanish conflict in Florida?

The fighting between the French and the Spanish in Florida was much more than a conflict. The result was a massacre of the French. The fighting took place in 1565 after five French ships sent byÊ Phillip II landed on the Florida coast.

What conflict removed the French threat to the American colonies in the 18th century?


Who were building colonies in North America?

Mainly the British, Spanish and French