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Q: What was the jobs wages and health care for black people during apartheid?
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What happened to the black people during the apartheid?

Under apartheid, people from the Indian sub-continent were classed as 'coloureds' and had a status between that of whites and blacks.

Were black people during the apartheid allowed to go into white shops?

lol loser

When did the most black people in South Africa die?

the most people in south Africa to die were black and they died during the apartheid

Are apartheid people black or white?

they are black

What did the cops do to black people during apartheid if the blacks did not have their id cards?

they would shoot them or take them back to the place they had to be

what could blacks do and what couldn't they do during apartheid?

During the Apartheid, black people couldn't share the same toilets with whites, they couldn't go schools, they basically couldn't do anything what whites did, whites didn't like the blacks even though South Africa was officially a black country...

What are the three homelands in south africa during the apartheid?

Black homelands, white homelands and Bantu homeland were the three homelands in South Africa during the apartheid.

What did apartheid do to the people in SA?

Lot of people were killed especial black people

What jobs could black people not do under the apartheid?


How did the black people respond to apartheid?

They elected Nelson Mandela.