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It was called the Continental System.

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Q: What was the law system spread over Europe by Napoleon called?
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What was the law spread over Europe by Napoleon called?

It was called the Continental System.

Napoleon policy called the continetal system was created to do what?

Napoleon policy called the continental system was created to make a continental Europe more self-sufficient

Napoleon's attempt to make Europe more self-sufficient was called?

The Continental System.

Napoleon's blockade of europes ports which was intended to make continental Europe more self-sufficient was called the?

The Continental System.

Napoleon's continental system was designed to do what?

It was designed to stop trade with Europe.

Napoleons policy called the continental system was created to?

Napoleon Bonaparte created the continental system in order to weaken Britain's economy. The system forbid any nation in Europe from trading with Britain.

How did the continental system lead to Napoleons downfall?

Napoleon's continental system had seemed to work in the beginning with a decline in British's exports and manufacting. Though because of the ongoing wars it was difficult to enforce it and smuggling became wide spread. The effect on Europe was a drop in trade, and ship building. This was one of Napoleon's failures that caused him to lose power. When trade was stopped between Great Britain Europe took a heavier loss.

What was Napoleon's comprehensive system of laws called?

The Napoleonic Code.

What is napoleon's unified law system called?

allied states

Napoleon's blockade of British ports was called the .?

It was a part of the Continental System.

What spread the metric system across parts of Europe?

The fact that it is a sensible system that is easy to use.

How did Europe go metric?

The Metric System was created after the French Revolution. After the French Revolution, almost everything changed. And since France spread to control almost all of Western Europe, the Metric System spread. It then spread all over the world due to imperialism and influence.