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Leading up to the to year of 1776, the 13 colonies wanted to move west and gain economic independence which created their involvement in the French and Indian War. The war began when both Britain and France wanted control of the Ohio River Valley. As time evolved, Englishmen in America began to realize they should have the same rights as Englishmen in Britain. Britain protected America during the French and Indian War and thus Britain believed that America should be willing to pay for the extra taxes and follow the governs of Britain. The leading cause of rebellion was created once Britain began enforcing Acts, which restricted the rights of Americans and created taxes that were unfair.

When the French and Indian war was complete, Britain had a major war debt. In order to mend this problem, Parliament created acts which created taxes for Americans. The first Act created to raise revenue was the Sugar Act of 1764. This act attempted to reduce the amount of smuggling from non-British ports. It put 3 pence per gallon of molasses. Britain also created The Stamp Act of 1765. This Act put tax on all court documents, land titles, contracts, playing cards, newspapers, and other printed items. Once Americans were informed of the Stamp Act, they formed a Stamp Act Congress in attempt to fight off the Act and prevent the loss of rights and liberties of Americans. Since the Stamp Act was ineffective, a group led by men calling themselves the Sons of Liberty took actions. Riots broke out in attempt to repeal of Stamp Act. Britain then put the Townshend Act of 1767 into effect hoping to raise revenue. This Act placed tax on paper, paint, glass, and tea that were being imported into the colonies. Americans boycotted British goods in order to avoid the taxes. The evidence stated in this paragraph tells about Acts that were created by Britain, which created unfairness for Americans. By stating the Acts, it shows the extent of taxation placed upon the 13 colonies from Britain. These Acts prevented Americans from being able to live life normally and caused them to boycott the goods that families needed. By placing these Acts upon American, Britain has affected the freedoms of individuals.

Americans were very disturbed by the Acts created by Britain that disrupted their rights. Not only were Americans losing their rights by being taxed, Britain also passed an Act known as the Declaratory Act of 1766 which gave them the power to tax American colonies. This created unfairness, especially since these Acts were not approved by American's before put into effect. Parliament then created the Currency Act of 1764, which banned the right of America to create any new bills. Americans had very little economic independence from Britain, causing them to lose their freedoms and leading to riots which broke out in an attempt to stop the creation of Acts from Britain. This evidence is very important towards realizing the some of the specific reason why the 13 colonies have lost some of their rights due to the Acts created by Parliament. Britain also established an Act known as the Intolerable (Coercive) Acts of 1774. This Act closed the suspended the government in Massachusetts, closed the trading port in Boston and also quartered soldiers in colonial homes.

The British military believed that since they aided America with the French and Indian War, that they had the right to place troops in their homes. They believed that Americans should be thankful and comply to take in the troops and also to pay the taxes to pay for the war debt. Acts such as the Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765 were put into action to raise revenue from war debt. Once Britain enacted the Intolerable (Coercive) Acts of 1774, this took away freedom from Americans and changed the way Americans lived. Englishmen had to voluntarily invite soldiers into their homes. This Act lead to a decline in Americans rights, which then led to revolts and riots. The evidence is very important in order to demonstrate reasons why Americans had the right the form mobs and cause havoc. By giving evidence, it shows a specific reason why Americans acted the way they did. Proof is exposed, and the logic as to why Americans would form riots to fight for freedom. The 13 colonies began to realize that they do have the right to freedom religiously and politically.

At the year of 1776, Thomas Paine wrote a political pamphlet known as "Common Sense," all his ideas about the king. He stood up for all of the people who wished for independence and freedom from the king. He stated that all kings were tyrants, and that in order to get rid of problems within the colonies, America needed to gain independence from Britain. The evidence of the pamphlet "Common Sense" states exactly what America wanted and needed. It gave America the extra boost to fight and form riots for their independence.

Rebellion struck out as Britain enforced acts that created unfairness towards Americans. Acts were created in order to gain money for Britain's war debt, and Britain believed that America should have complied to pay these taxes due to the fact that they aided America with the French and Indian War. Americans began getting their rights taken away from them with every Act that was appealed. British then decided to develop a Quartering Act, which forced American Englishmen to allow British soldiers to live in their residents. As Americans began to dislike the British rule, they began to crave the want for independence. This occurred with the help of Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense," which made Americans realize that in order relieve all of their problems, they needed independence from the king. This event has become important because of the fact that it influenced people into realizing the need for independence. It lead to America becoming its own country and not under the leadership of Britain. It gave people the freedom from Britain and the independence they needed. It created a new life for America and was the start of a new and forming country. It was the beginning of the development towards the beautiful stable America.

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The high and unreasonable taxes imposed on Americans through the English parliament without representation.

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