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The primary reason, from my perspective, that the Articles were not successful was the fact that not all of the states would agree to the wording and terms that were proposed.

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Q: What was the main reason the articles of confederation did not work?
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Is the improvements in transportation and communication would the original articles of confederation work for all 50 states today?

The Articles of Confederation would not work at all today, even with improvements in transportation and communication. The major reason for this is that the Articles of Confederation made for a very weak national government.

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It showed that the articles of confederation did not work and the states called for convention.

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John Dickinson headed the committee and proposed the ''Articles of Confederation''

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It made it a loose confederation that didn't work.

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they didn't work. after a few years, they were no longer in use.

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Did the state government give some of their power to the federal government?

It never had it in 1787. This is the reason they met for a constitutional convention. The Articles of Confederation didn't work and there was no central government.

Shays's rebellion helped to prove which of the following points?

The Articles of Confederation did not work

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It never had it in 1787. This is the reason they met for a constitutional convention. The articles of confederation didn't work and there was no central government.

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The Articles of Confederation was the first document of how the US would work.