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Q: What was the major contribution of 16th-century Flemish doctor Andreas Vesalius?
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Who was a flemish doctor known for his work in anatomy?

Andreas Vesalius

What is Andreas vesalius's parents name?

Andreas Vesalius was a Flemish physician and the founder of modern anatomy. His parents' names are unknown, but his father was an apothecary for Emperor Charles V.

What was Andreas Vesalius's main accomplishment?

Andreas Vesalius (Andre Wesele (Witing) Crabbe, 1514-1564) was an anatomist, physician, and author of medical books. More information for his life and work could be found under related links.

What were Andreas Vesalius's ideas about human circulation?

Andreas Vesalius (1514-64) was a Flemish anatomist. He made many discoveries in anatomy based on his studies involving the dissection of cadavers (human dead bodies).In 1543 Vesalius published the book De humani corporis fabrica (On the Workings of the Human Body), containing wonderful illustrations by Jan von Calcar, a pupil of the artist Titian.In this book Vesalius challenged the anatomical ideas of the anatomist Galen (2nd century AD), which had hitherto been uncritically accepted by doctors and anatomists. Vesalius showed that Galen's anatomy contained serious errors, as it was based on the study of the anatomy of animals (e.g. pigs) and not on a direct study of the anatomy of the human body


d that humans were not the same as animals. He disporved galens theried about lobes in the lungs and the jaw. GAlen said there were 4 lobes but he said two. He worte a book He talked about where the best place was to take blood from. boogerrsssssss

How do you say red in Flemish?

"Red" in Flemish is "rood."

How do you say Flemish in Flemish?


What is a Flemish dormer?

A Flemish dormer is a type of window.

How do you say three in Flemish?

"Drie" is "three" in Flemish.

How do you say do in flemish?

In Flemish, you say "do" as "doen."

What is Saturday in Flemish?

Saturday in Flemish is "zaterdag."

What is girl in Flemish?

The word for "girl" in Flemish is "meisje".