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to guarantee no one branch becomes too powerful

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Q: What was the major reason for dividing power among three branches of the federal government?
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Why was the system of checks and balances built into the constitution?

The Founders were very suspicious and cynical, even contemptuous of, government. They understood that, over time, liberty would diminish as government power grew. Checks and balances prevents one branch of the federal government from dominating over the other two and becoming too powerful.

Why native Americans decided to support the south in the civil war?

The South was rebelling against the federal government during the war and the native americans had never been given any reason to like the feds. They joined the souths rebellion.

Why did several states not ratify the constitution?

Most wanted the addition of a Bill of Rights. Others thought that it gave too much power to the central federal government, at the expense of the states.

Why didnt the government publicise the early goldfeilds?

There was no reason to. The gold wasn't on government property and was located in the streams and mountains.

What was one reason why the US fought the civil war?

After the War of Independence the 13 states agreed to a fairly weak federal system where a central government was superior to the state government. Gradually the central government got stronger, writing a constitution in secret, and attempted to impose its will (dominated by the industrial north) on the states. The southern states, culturally very different from the northern states, objected to the increase in central control and eventually, against the will of the north, seceded.

Related questions

What is one reason the constitution divides powers between the federal government and states governments?

To limit the power of the federal government

What are the reasons to believe federal form of government?

The reason to believe federal form of government is to believe that CODY SIMPSON RULES THE EARTH!

Why is the federal government more powerful than the provininces?

For the same reason the US Federal government is more powerful than the states. The provinces and states are subservient to National government.

Which was the main reason that federalist support ratification of the constitution?

The main reason was the need for a stronger Federal government.

. Which was the main reason that Federalists supported ratification of the Constitution?

The main reason was the need for a stronger Federal government.

Which was the main reason that federalist supported the ratification of the constitution?

The main reason was the need for a stronger Federal government.

What was the main reason that federalists supported ratification of the constitution?

The main reason was the need for a stronger Federal government.

What was the main reason for the failure of the articles of confederation?

There was not enough power given to the Federal Government.

What was the reason that South Carolina decided to secede from the union?

to break its contracts with the federal government.

Is a federal offense always a felony or can federal offenses also be misdemeanors?

Since a federal offense can mean any crime committed on U.S government property, and you can comment a misdemeanor on U.S. government property; it stands to reason that this misdemeanor would then be a federal offense.

What is one reason why the federal government wants to change how the nation stores such waste?

because your weird

Can you fight a federal speeding ticket if you are not a U.S. citizen?

Yes, for the simple reason that there is no such thing as a "federal speeding ticket". The federal government has no police force that controls federal highways. That control is left to the states.