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Death March Bataan Death March or Death March of Bataan because they were marched across the penisular of Bataan.

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Q: What was the march named for the horrible deaths of Filipino and American troops by the Japanese soldiers on their way to prison camps called?
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Who was forced to march in the bataan death march?

Filipino and American soldiers whom were prisoners of the Japanese

During what did the Japanese force captured American and Filipino soldiers to march for five days and nights?

Bataan Death March

Is there ghosts in corregidor?

Yes there ARE GHOSTS in Corregidor island. They are spirits of Japanese, American and Filipino soldiers who perished during the war! One particular disturbed souls is that of an American soldier who committed suicide before he could be killed by the Japanese soldiers

Why did American soldiers fear the Japanese soldiers so much?

Because the Japanese fought to the death. They did not surrender.

How did the filipino uprising present a new challenge to American soldiers?

The American military strategy in the Philippines shifted from a conventional footing against Spain to a suppression footing against the insurrection. During the Filipino uprising American soldiers had to make this challenging change

Australian views of the Japanese soldiers during world war 2?

The Australian soldiers considered them to be extremely formidable soldiers until they realized with the allies they could be defeated. The Australian prisoners thought they were evil, cruel and monstrous people with the atrocities, cruelties and horrible care they gave to them and the American and the Brits. They were helpful in the War Crimes Trials to get the Japanese convicted.

Were the japaneseleaders able to win the loyalty and support of the Filipinos in their struggle againts the Americans?

No. They enslaved, killed, imprisoned, and used the Filipino people when they captured their islands. The Filipino people weren't in a struggle against Americans, but worked with the American to rid themselves of the Japanese imperialism. Young women were forced to service Japanese soldiers and were called "comfort girls." The American army worked to free the Filipino people and fought battles with the Japanese. Hand to hand combat happened in Manilla between American and Japanese armies and men died in beachheads to take back the islands. Watch the film series Victory at Sea to understand the truth about the war in the Pacific.

How did the American soldiers react when the Japanese attacked?

Most of them were in shock.

How many American soldiers died attacking the Japanese in Pearl Harbor?

None. The Japanese attacked the Americans.

Why was the Batan Death March important?

The Bataan Death March was used to arouse fury in the minds of the people of the United States. This march showed Japans brutality and militarism in a negative way and created more tension between the Japanese and the Americans. This hatred made the Americans more determined against the Japanese in the Second World War.

Why did The Bataan Death March happened?

General MacArthur was ordered move his command from the Philippines to Australia, and left thousands of his American and Filipino troops behind without supplies. Abandoned troops surrendered at Bataan in April and at Corregidor in May. The Japanese forced these POW's to march to a prison camp near Cabunatuan. Thousands of American and Filipino soldiers died of malnutrition, illness, and torture during the Bataan Death March.:-)

What action Led to bataan death march?

The surrender of 75,000 Allied soldiers in the Philippines.The Bataan Death March resulted in the death of more than 7,000 American and Filipino troops who were forced to make a grueling journal after surrendering to Japanese troops.