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The Iron Curtain.

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Q: What was the metaphorical name for the boundary between communist and free countries in Europe?
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What is a political boundry?

an imaginary line that divides territories.

What is an international boundary?

It's the line (boundary) between two countries.

What is A boundary between to states or nations?

The boundary is known as a border between two states or countries.

What side did china support in the cold war?

China is a communist country. The cold war was between the western countries and the communist countries. China supported the communist countries.

What was The Communist bloc was located between Russia and Western Europe unintentionally filling what role?

Communist countries between Russia and Western Europe acted as a buffer between the countries.

The agreement between several communist countries to form an alliance was the .?

The Warsaw Pact was the largest of several alliances of Communist countries.

What is a natural boundary between countries in the northern hemisphere?

great lakes

Mcmohan line is the boundary between which two countries?

India and China

What is the diff between a natural and political boundary?

A natural boundary is often times a body of water such as a river. Between the US and Mexico, part of the boundary between these two countries is the Rio Grand River. A political boundary is one created by a treaty or some type of political agreement between two countries. For example, the Dominican Republic and Haiti are on the same island. The boundary between them is a political one established when France ruled Haiti and Spain ruled the Dominican Republic.

What natural features form a boundary of Tanzania Uganda and Kenya?

Lake Victoria acts as a boundary between Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. Another natural boundary between these countries is the Kagera River.

The Rio de la Plata formns a boundary between which two countries?

between Argentina and Uruaguay

If we have third world countries what countries are second world?

Well, most of them disappeared between about 1989 and 1991. Second world countries are communist.