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They didn't have one when the huge death toll happened. They didn't treat patients for fear of catching it themselves. The hospitals were closed. The churches were closed. It was awful. Now, though, you can cure it with antibiotics.

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They would get the 'bad blood' sucked out but this coud be dangerous because they could beed to death.

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Q: What was the most common treatment for the bubonic plague?
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What was the most common form of the plague?

Plague was most commonly transmitted by fleas and rats.

What was the name of the plague that killed many people in the 14 century?

Well really there were three- the most common being the bubonic plague.

Which form of black death was the most common?

It was known as the Bubonic Plague.

Are there 3 different plagues?

yes There is the most common wich is the bubonic plague There is the pneumonic plague and the septisemic plague.

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Where was the bubonic plague most prevalent?


Where in the body does bubonic plague happen?

Most commonly in the lymph nodes. You get the bubonic plague most commonly through infected fleas carried by rats or animals. It is very rare in the united states.

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No one knows for sure what the black death was; however bubonic plague is the most likely candidate. Bubonic plague is very infectious for everyone.

What are the side affects of treatment for the bubonic plague?

You get better. In most cases common antibiotics like penicillin are used to treat this disease nowadays. There are a few (10-20) cases in the US every year and there are very few if any fatalities.

What was the name of the plague came from china and spread across Europe?

The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.

What is the most baddest disease?

It depends on what you mean by "most deadly". Some diseases, like the Bubonic Plague, killed more people than, say, smallpox, but is more easily treatable. The reason the plague killed more people is because it became a pandemic during the middle ages, when medical treatment was unavailable. Some of the deadliest, however, are: Bubonic Plague Smallpox Anthrax Tuberculosis

Name the plague that ravaged and killed a third of Europe's population in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.