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Q: What was the name given to the common poor people in Ancient Rome?
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What did they call the common people of ancient Rome?

The plebs, or plebeian

Who were patricians and plebeian?

In ancient Rome the Patricians were the established ruling class while the Plebians were the common people

Representatives of the common people in Rome?

The plebeian tribunes were created to protect the plebeians (the commoners).

What is the name for the ancient representatives of the common people in Rome?

There was no representatives of Common people, however, There was for all of them which called Magistrates.

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What were the wealthy landowners of ancient rome were called?

the PATRICIANS. the poor, common people were the PLEBIANS.

How did people discover Ancient Rome?

People did not discover Ancient Rome, people BUILT Ancient Rome and it has been in continuous occupation since then 2,800years ago.

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What overall term is given to the people who fought each other and animals as entertainment in Ancient Rome?


What was something that ancient Rome and ancient Egypt had in common?

had slaves

When ancient Rome was born?

The date of the foundation of Rome was given as 753 BC.

How many people spoke Latin in ancient Rome?

Most people in ancient Rome spoke Latin, but some cities that ancient Rome took over spoke their native language. A lot of people in ancient Rome spoke Greece.