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I pretty sure it was the MUCKRAKERS

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Q: What was the name of any writer who searched for and exposed corruption in government and business?
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During the Progressive Era Muckrakers were best known for?

they were best known for exposing harmful practices of business and government

What was a reporter that exposed dirt and corruption?

This type of reporter is typically referred to as an investigative journalist. They investigate and expose wrongdoing, corruption, or unethical behavior within organizations or governments. Their reporting often involves in-depth research, interviews, and analysis to uncover the truth and hold powerful entities accountable.

What was the following demonstrates a goal of muckrakers?

They exposed government corruption in the hope of changing unfair laws. :{)- Answered By Yung Jeez

Who was the cartoonist who exposed corruption of the government in new York city?

Thomas Nast

What role did muckrakers play in the progress?

exposed/revealed corruption in business and public life

What term describes authors such as Upton Sinclair and Ida Tarbell who exposed corruption in business and government?

Muckrakers was a term used for jouralists that exposed the ills of society, it comes from John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress.

What was a goal of muckrakers?

To report on society's problems.

Who were some of muckrakers during the Progressive Era and what did each try to do?

JACOB RIIS - photographer, exposed bad working and living conditions. IDA TARBELL - journalist, exposed the corruption of the Standard Oil Company. UPTON SINCLAIR - author, exposed the meat packing industry. LINCOLN STEFFENS - journalist, exposed political and government corruption. ^.~

Who exposed Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company's unethical practices that allowed it to become a monopoly?

Lincoln Steffens was known for exposing corruption in city government. Ida Tarbell was the person that exposed Rockefeller Standard Oil.

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Why was Lewis Hine a muckraker?

He was a muckraker because he exposed corruption in society

How does WikiLeaks damage the government?

The leaking of sensitive communication between countries can threaten national security, government officials claim. They are kept classified for a reason. On the other hand, without WikiLeaks, some corruption would not be exposed.