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Arthur Phillip found the Tank Stream, so named because, during a drought in 1790, storage tanks were dug out of the rock near the stream to assist the colony's water supply.

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Q: What was the name of fresh water stream discovered by Arthur Phillip?
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What did Governor Arthur Phillip eat on the First Fleet?

Governor Arthur Phillip was fed very well on the First Fleet. He ate roast chicken and other roasted meats, fresh from the stock animals they took on board at the ports. He also had fresh fruit and vegetables, until these ran out between ports. He ate bread, rice, potatoes and other common foods as well.

A small flowing of body of fresh water?

It is a fresh water stream.

Where did Captain Arthur Phillip dock first?

After setting sail on 13 May 1787, the first port of call for the First Fleet, under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, was Tenerife. On 3 June 1787, the fleet arrived at Santa Cruz, Tenerife in the Canary Islands, to take on board fresh water, vegetables and meat. Phillip and the chief officers were entertained by the local governor, while one convict tried unsuccessfully to escape. If the question refers to where Phillip first docked in Australia: Captain Arthur Phillip first landed at Botany Bay, which was the site recommended for settlement by James Cook and Sir Joseph Banks. However, discovering there was a lack of fresh water or suitable trees to use for timber, the soil was poor quality and the harbour inadequate, Phillip moved the First Fleet on to Port Jackson.

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When was Australia found by Captain Arthur Phillip?

Australia was found by lieutenant James Cook not Captain Arthur Phillip when regarding discovery by Europeans related to the settlement of Australia as we know it today.Actually, Australia was found by neither James Cook nor Captain Arthur Phillip. See the related question for who really discovered Australia.Captain Arthur Phillip founded i.e. established the first settlemetn in Australia on 26 January 1788.

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When did Arthur Phillip establish a convict settlement at Sydney Cove?

On 26 January 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip raised the Union Jack to claim "New South Wales" as belonging to England. It was a military colony with convict labour and free settlers to produce food. The First Fleet actually arrived at Botany Bay on 18 January 1788. Phillip immediately determined that there was insufficient fresh water, an absence of usable timber, poor quality soil and no safe harbour at Botany Bay. Thus the fleet was moved to Port Jackson, where Sydney now stands, arriving on 26 January 1788.

What was the name of the stream in Sydney Cove the early settlers used to get fresh water?

Tank stream

Where did Arthur Phillip live in Australia?

Originally, it was recommended that the First Fleet would settle at Botany Bay, where it arrived on 18 January 1788. However, Captain Arthur Phillip immediately determined that there was insufficient fresh water, an absence of usable timber, poor quality soil and no safe harbour at Botany Bay. He sailed north, seeking a better site for settlement, and decided Port Jackson met the immediate needs of the colonists. Thus the fleet was moved to Port Jackson, and thence on to Sydney Cove, arriving on 26 January 1788.