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Q: What was the name of representative assembly that made local laws for Jamestown?
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What assembly was created to make laws for the Jamestown colony?

house of burgesses

An elected group of people who made laws in each colony?

Representative Assembly.

What was the name of the assembly that had the right to make local laws for its colony?

the House of Burgesses

What kind of people settled the New Jersey colony?

Probably people who pursued " warm climate, religious freedom... a trial by jury, and a representative assembly that would make local laws and set tax rates."Read more: Why_did_people_move_to_New_Jersey_in_colonial_times

What marked the beginning of the self government in colonies America?

An assembly called the House of Burgesses was elected to make laws in Jamestown. This was the beginning of self Government.

What colony marked the beginning of self government in Colonial America?

An assembly called the House of Burgesses was elected to make laws in Jamestown. This was the beginning of self Government.

What were the laws in Jamestown?

it was sir connor humphries from England and he made the laws for Jamestown

What type of government did New Jersey have in 1664?

Colonial New Jersey was ruled by a royal governor appointed by the king. The governor issued edicts and laws at the behest of the king. The king was not very nice.

Local colonial assemblies had power to?

Each colony had its own form of governance usually in the form of a local assembly that would meet regularly to discuss important issues and ideas that had arisen in their colony. They were representative of the colony because they were generally elected by property owning residents. The local assemblies had control over revenue and were therefore able to hold significant power in the colony. The governor as the Crowns representative possessed the power to overrule the local assembly. However without the assemblies support the governor was rather limited in their power. The local assembly's roles included: * Levying taxes * The smooth running of services within the colony * Passing laws * Overseeing expenditure and revenue. Additionally the local assemblies also oversaw legal proceedings in most cases of crime. When the law was broken the perpetrator was trialled by local officials, often with a jury of local men. By the mid 1700s the local assemblies were seen as the only form of government by the people, they were largely independent of British influence despite working under the Empire's name.

What was the importance of the legislative assembly?

The importance of the legislative assembly is a variety of reasions. This particular assembly creates the laws, passes of the laws, manages the content of the laws, and manages the Constitution.

What are some important things that happened in Jamestown in the 1600's?

Well some of the things that happened in Jamestown Was 1. Slaves came to the USA. to be... you know slaves. 2. The tradition of Representative government was created. to those of you people who don't know what Representative government is the form of government in which people can elect people to make laws. like we do today. 3. Pilgrims or people who takes a religious journey.

What is the term for the us representative?

State representatives are charged with representing their constituents. They are responsible for proposing laws and voting on laws that are presented in the House.