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Q: What was the name of the leader against French occupation who brought communism to North Vietnam?
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What was the outcome of the US getting involved in Vietnam?

Enemy (North Vietnam) won the war. Edit: We didn't gain anything. We lost alot of lives. Nixon brought our troops home and let North Vietnam and South Vietnam work it out without our interference. Eventually, North Vietnam took over the South Vietnam government. Then there was no North and South Vietnam. It was just Vietnam. They had changed into an entirely communist government which is why America interfered in the first place. We were trying to prevent or stop communism from spreading. Communism: A type of government in which the government controls all the economic activities.

Which revolution first brought communism into the international order?

The Chinese Revolution first brought communism into the international order.

Who brought communism into Russia?

Lenin brought state capitalism to Russia, not Communism.

Who brought communism to Tanzania?

Julius Nyerere

Was the Vietnam war brought about by the cold war?

Vietnam was a hot battle of the cold war.

Who was associated with communism?

Many people were (and still are)associated with communism. Karl Marx invented the concept, and is seen as the father of communism. Vladimir Lenin was head of the party of revolutionaries that brought the system to Russian government. Trotsky was responsible for his army, the Red Guards. Stalin took over the government (against Lenin's wishes) and his successor was Kruschev.

Why did the president brought the us into the Korea war?

to try to contain Communism

Is it true that the popular front brought communism to the french government?


Brought communism to china?

Ding Xiaoping or Mao Zedong. I am not sure.

Why was the Russian revolution important?

Because it brought on Communism in Russia. Also China was influenced by Russia to be communist as well.

Was the Vietnam war brought about by cold war pressures?

Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.

What marks the beginning of the collapse of communism?

Depending on your political position, you could argue that the creation of communism brought its demise. Or, to be kinder to communism, the people promoting communism were using "communism" as an excuse to grab power. So it was just a dictatorship running its course.