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James Madison originated the overall structure of our tricameral government.

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Q: What was the name of the men who drafted the original United States constitution?
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What was drafted in the 1700s?

The Declaration of Independence (1776). The United States Constitution (1787).

When was the original constitution signed?

The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787

When was the original constitution of the US?

The first "constitution" of the United States of America was the Articles of Confederation.

Which provision of the original US Constitution was most influenced by this ideal?

which provision of the original united states constitution was most influenced by this idea

Which document outlined the structure of the new govement of the US?

the U.S. Constitution

What document outlined the structure of the new government the US?

The Constitution outlines the structure of the government in the U.S. The United States Constitution was drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1788.

What were the artcles of confederation?

The agreement made by the original 13 states in 1777 establishing a confederacy to be known as the United States of America; replaced by the Constitution of 1788, the first constitution of the 13 American states, adopted in 1781 and replaced in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States.

What document gives the plan for the federal government?

The United States Constitution outlines the structure of the United States government

What is the primary sources of law?

primary sources are contemporary law are United States Constitution and state constitutions statutes, which are drafted by legislatures.

The 42nd amendment added which terms to the original preamble?

There is no 42nd amendment to the United States Constitution.

What are four amendments still pending before the state legislature today?

This is the complete list of the ratified and unratified amendments to the United States Constitution which received the approval of the United States Congress. Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution, the first ten of which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The procedure for amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V of the original text. There have been many other proposals for amendments to the United States Constitution introduced in Congress, but not submitted to the states.

Where was the Bill of Rights found in the constitution?

The First Congress of the United States submitted 12 amendments to the states. Numbers 3 through 12 were ratified and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States. They are known as the Bill of Rights. The original copies are located in the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. The Bill of Rights is made up of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The original copy is located in the United States Archive in Washington DC.