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middle class.

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Q: What was the name of the middle class people that went to the Globe Theatre?
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Where did the middle class sit at the Globe theatre?

They sat on benchs that were above the groundlings but below the upper-class.

What problems did the globe theatre have?

The problem that the globe theatre had was the room and the pungent smell that aroused from the many groundlings and also because of the space that was available for the lower class people.

What are the different types of seating in the Globe Theatre?

There were the groundlings (people who stood on the floor I front of the stage) and the higher class who sat on wooden benches on the three tiers of the theatre

Where did the upper class sit at the globe theatre?

the upper class sat in the theatre galleries who would often rent straw pillows to us on the wooden benches

Which class visited the globe theatre in the Elizabethan era?

All Types did if they could afford it

How were the audience divided and arranged in the Globe Theatre?

By social class. The poor stood on the ground.

How much did first class seats in the globe theatre cost?

Mostly 5-6 pennies.

Were the actors in the globe theatre r ich or poor?

They could be either rich or poor, most were in middle class or rich. I am pretty sure that there weren't any poor actors. If there were, they would be acting extras because they never learned the basic needs to be in the play like reading and acting. Most of the actors were in middle class or in upperclass.

Who were the different types of people that went to the globe theatre?

All types of Londoners went to the Globe and the other Southwark theatres. The groundlings included working men, "working women", theives, apprentices, and other poorer people. Merchant class, professionals and nobility sat in the stalls or on the stage.

How do the middle class people live their lives?

how do middle class people live

Bourgeoise refers to the class of people that?

Middle class to upper middle class .

What was the audience size at the globe theatre?

the audience size of the globe theater was able to hold 1500 people. It expanded to 3000 people after a large ammount of people wanted to see the plays. The nobles and lower class people went to see these plays, royalty would have the plays come to them. The globe theater was built in Elizabethian London south bank of the river. read more at: duh