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There were at least three Golf wars; which one concerns the question? 1980's; 1991, or 2003?

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Q: What was the name of the song that they dedicated to the soldiers in the first gulf war?
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The other name for the Persian Gulf is the Arabian Gulf

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What was the name of the Persian Gulf in the old testament?

it has always been the Persian gulf, because the Persians were the first to explore the area of , so they named it the PERSIAN gulf. as you can see in the memorial wall of rome (The other big civilization of that time) , the name is spelled as "Golfo Persico" which means the Persian gulf.

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The other name for the Persian Gulf is the Arabian Gulf

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Persian Gulf is the more common name. Arabian Gulf is used exclusively by Arabs.

Name the gulf wich the gulf war named?

That is the Persian Gulf.

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