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Q: What was the naval blockade of the south designed to do?
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What was the naval blockade designed to prevent in the south?

What was the naval blockade of the south designed to prevent?

To prevent the South exporting its cotton in exchange for war supplies. It was the North's effort to stop any foreign aid to the South.

What is a naval action designed to isolate an area from outside contact?

It is called a blockade

What was General Scotts plan for the first year of the war?

The Anaconda Plan, which called for a naval blockade of the South, designed to strangle off their supplies to wage war

Line of ships used to stop trade with the south?

Naval blockade

How did the south challenge the blockade that Abraham Lincoln made?

Abraham Lincoln created a naval blockade to prevent the south from being able to take part in trading activities. This was an attempt by the president to bring about a peaceful end to the Civil War. The south challenged the blockade by building torpedo boats to attack the naval ships involved in the blockade.

What best defines the Union strategy of divide and conquer?

the naval blockade of the South

The naval blockade of the Confederacy by the Union led to?

skyrocketing food prices in the south

What was general scott's plan for the civil war?

The Anaconda Plan. It was designed to work like a great snake, strangling the south by naval blockade, thus cutting off their supplies.

What was used by the North during the civil war to limit South's trade?

The Naval blockade

What is the significance when the south fails to break the union naval blockade?

It meant that the South could not import the supplies it needed.

Why would a naval blockade of the south's coastline hurt its economy?

The South's main income was from cotton exported internationaly.