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Q: What was the original name of the search engine Google?
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What was the original name of Google Book Search?

Google changed the name of its book search from "Google Print" to "Google Book Search" in 2005. The new name better suited the task that is completed.

What is the name of the biggest search engine?


What is the name of google's newly launched search engine?

Google Search. You are talking about Microsoft's new search engine that partnered with Yahoo! Search. Bing?

Go to Google?

put the website name on the search engine

Is Google a website or a search engine?

Search Engine. But every business when it comes via online it should have own website and website should have own name and that is Basically is domain used for all services offered by google in single place, but google has it own database at backend so it can give you related result for your query as close as.

Is Google a search engine or a browser?

Yes, Google's flagship service is a search engine. Of course, Google is a very popular, and easy, search engine. ____________ I use Google a lot for asking questions or looking for certain websites I don't know the exact name of. It is, by far, the best search engine on the net I've used.

How do you Google other people?

Type their name into Bing Search Engine

What do you mean by word google?

It is the company name of an internet search engine.

What does goolge yourself mean?

To "Google yourself" refers to searching for your own name in the Google search engine.

What are the different changes you can make to the Google search engine?

Search this on Google, you can find all sorts of interesting this that you can do to make a personal Google! this is a good way to make your own Google name, and in Google, search Google "name in which you want it to appear". sometimes this works and you can find a specific 'themed' Google. Go to you can change the name, and it remembers what you put!

Why was the Google name eventually chosen for the search engine?

Google is short for Google-plexus - An extremely long number, representing their amount of pages.GO GOOGLE!

What is the most popular search engine name is similar to a milk drink?

The most popular search engine is Google because of it's other products and speed.