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Free enterprise

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Q: What was the period when people bought and sold goods rather than make them themselves?
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market revolution?

people bought and sold goods rather than making them for themselves

Why do people go in to business?

People would rather work for themselves than others.

What government has the people themselves rather than representatives make governmental decisions in a?

A pure democracy has the people themselves making decisions by majority vote. When representatives of those people are used instead of the people themselves, it is a republican form of government.

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Usually people insult others because they are insecure about themselves in some way or they just want the attention on that person rather than on themselves.

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Some people love gorging themselves because they gain comfort from eating the food in large quantities. Most people who gorge themselves are eating due to emotional reasons rather than hunger.

Is there a period after et in et al?

No, there is not a period after et, rather, the period is after al. Et al. is Latin for et alli, meaning "and other people."

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If you don't have people who can think for themselves, there is no point in having a democracy. Democracy depends on having people who can think for themselves rather than believing..

The people themselves rather than representatives make governmental policies and laws?

Direct democracy is the term used to describe a system where individuals themselves make governmental policies rather than representatives. Representative democracy is where people elect representatives to make those decisions.

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well, because doing things takes effort, and most people would rather would rather "hurt" than give effort into whatever you seem to be talking about

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Voyeurs are people who get their sexual pleasure out of watching other people indulging in sexual activities rather than doing so themselves.

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About 70% of teenagers consider themselves to be spenders rather than savers.

How did Thoreaus work civil disobedience benefit society?

His transcendentalist ideas basically motivated people to "get of their asses, and do something", thus making people actually rely on themselves. Thoreau's works benefited society, in that people actually started to rely on themselves rather than on other people.