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Q: What was the purpose of the holes in the colossus computer to hold the messages?
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the answer for this is: the purpose the holes in colossus was it felt like it

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How did the colossus work without software?

Colossus worked by holes punched in a paper tape. It was programmed by switches and plugs. Colossus used thermionic valves (vacuum tubes) to perform Boolean and counting operations.

How did the Colossus work without any software?

Colossus worked by holes punched in a paper tape. It was programmed by switches and plugs. Colossus used thermionic valves (vacuum tubes) to perform Boolean and counting operations.

What is the purpose of the holes?

Actually, the purpose of black holes is to absorb matter and spew it out into the universe to seed new galaxies, stars, planets and things. Black holes are the "cleaners" of the galaxy, in my opinion.

What is the purpose of the keypunch machine?

A keypunch machine is used to encode data or instructions by punching holes in cards that will be read later by a computer using a punch card reader.

What is the purpose of man and mud holes?

The purpose of man and mud holes is to prevent the waste water from spreading allover and to help in easy repair of drainage systems.

Which is not used to make holes?

A computer mouse

Who said "Can you get into the state files from our computer"in Holes?


What is the purpose of the holes in binary data?

Not quite sure what you mean by "holes"; "binary data" consists of a string of ones and zeros.

What size drill bit do you use to make holes in your fingerboard?

More information is needed as to the purpose of the holes, and what a 'fingerboard' is .