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Maryland was a place for Roman Catholics fleeing religious persecution in England.

but Lord Baltimore ( the one who started the colony) promised religious freedom

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Q: What was the religion of Maryland in 1763?
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The religion of Maryland in the colonies were catholic. Now a days, it doesn't matter what religion you are.

What was the official religion of Colonial Maryland?

It had no official religion except for trinitarian Christianity.

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The Maryland Toleration Act

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What freedom did the colonists of Maryland?

Freedom of Religion

Was Maryland a colony where catholics could practice their religion?

Yes, Maryland was founded by Catholics for Catholics.

What freedom did the colonist of maryland want?

Freedom of religion was the freedom that the colonists of Maryland wanted.

What was Marylands religion in the 1600s?

Maryland was a Roman Catholic colony. If you break down the name, you can see: Mary Land. The Roman Catholics are the only religion to recognize Mary as holy.

What was the religion for Maryland?

Maryland is predominantly Protestant Christian (78%), but its has a sizable amount of Jews (4%), and Catholics (18%).