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The Spanish naval forces in Manila, Philippines were annihilated by the American fleet. Spanish forces on Cuba were defeated. The results were that Cuba and the Philippines were freed from Spanish rule.

Cuba became independent in 1902, while the Philippines became an American protectorate, becoming independent after World War II.

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America won, because of Theodore Roosevelt quitting his secretary of state job and starting a group of African- Americans, Native- Americans, and college boys.

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Q: What was the result during the spanish-American war of 1898?
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Guantanamo Bay and the Philippines were both acquired as a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898.

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During 1898.

1 result of the spanish-american war 1898 what does the United States was?

One result of the 1898 Spanish-American War won by the United States was the Treaty of Paris. This was an agreement which stated that the Spanish would surrender Cuba and cede Puerto Rico.

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From Spain as a result of the Spanish American War.

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Platt Amendment Foraker Act

When did America get involved with Puerto Rico?

In 1898 during the Spanish American War.

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Puerto Rico came under the control of the United States in 1898 as a result of the Spanish-American War.

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There was no Republic of Texas during the Spanish American War. Texas broke away from Mexico in 1836 as a result of the Texas Revolution and it became a US State on 29 December 1845. The Spanish American War was in 1898.