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Q: What was the result of the expansion of railways is the early 1900s?
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What was the result of the increased concern about labor by children and women in the early 1900s?

Read it on the internet -_-

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Restrictions were placed on immigration (apex)

In what ways did US expansion in the 1800s and early 1900s resemble European expansion?

people were similar in ways that both motivated by similar things such as mix of desire to get new markets.

In the US many of the reform movements of the early 1900s were primarily the result of?

industrialization and the growth of cities

Military threats were drastically reduced in the early 1900s because of the end of?

Military threats drastically reduced in the early 1900s because nations started collaborating more and international laws started to take shape. The formation of the league of nations came up as a result of those 1900s laws.

What was in the early 1900s?

in late 1800s and early 1900s the industrial revolution took place

What did the US and Japan Share in the early 1900s?

Both had policies of empire-building in the Pacific in the early 1900s.

In the early 1900s what did the US and japan share?

Both had policies of empire-building in the Pacific in the early 1900s.

In the early 1900s the US and japan shared what?

Both had policies of empire-building in the Pacific in the early 1900s.

Which European nations were involed in a rivalry in the early 1900s?

Germany and Great Britain were involved in a naval rivalry in the early 1900s.

What became extinct in the 1900s?

buffaloes were killed near extinction in the early 1900s

How was railroad track built in the early 1900s?

Railroad tracks that were built in the early 1900s were constructed from steel. The steel was used to replace rail tracks and railway cars that were built from iron prior to the early 1900s.