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Q: What was the rise of Islam?
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What were the people called who roamed the desert tending to their flocks during Islam's rise and spread?

The nomadic people in Arabia who were pastoralists and had much to do with the Rise of Islam were the BEDOUIN ARABS.

What are the two main religions of Europe?

I'd have to say Christianity for certain and with the rise of Islam, then Islam is number two.

What were the two great powers in the middle east before the rise of Islam?

The Byzantine Empire and Sassanian Persia were the two great powers in the Middle East in the 400s-634 C.E., before the Rise of Islam.

When did the rise of Islam occur in Africa?

since the 1500s

Why is Islam unpopular?

Today, Islam is the largest religion in the world. And in a few years to come, the percent numbers will rapidly rise. Allah told us tho spread the message of Islam.

Who was Al-Khwarizmi in the rise of Islam and what did he contribute to Islam?

many scientific contributions like algorithm. the algorithm used in every computer is derived from his name.

What religions were popular un SW Asia before the rise of Islam?

Hindu or Budha

The rise and fall of the Soninke people depended on their?

Conversion to Islam.....or Control of the salt trade

What is a geographical tool invented by the Muslims?

I don't know the answer so can you please help me. This is about The Rise of Islam.

Do people of the Islam faith believe their messiah will rise from the earth?

Muslims believe that the messiah will ascend from the heavens.

How did the spread of Islam give rise to the Islamic world?

By military conquest. Islam as a religion was forced upon its constituents and adopted en mass at one point during the Ottoman Empire.

When did Islam rise?

Muhammad(pbuh) was born on 570ad when he was 40 years old.he Recieved his first revelation and uptill hid death in 632 Quran was completed. Islam was the fastest of that time and still in any century islam is fastest in history of the world.