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Q: What was the rural electrification administration relief recovery or reform?
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Why did new dealers believe that the government sometimes needs to regulate industry and labor?

Well basically, the "3 R's" Relief, recovery, and reform :)

American-sponsored effort to provide funds for the economic relief and recovery in Europe?

The Marshall Plan ^__^

What programs Roosevelt created to promote economic recovery?

The New Deal was drafted by FDR and focused on relief for the unemployed, recovering the economy, and reforming financial systems.

What did Roosevelt did for economy?

Roosevelt came to presidency in 1932, a time of economic turmoil in America: the Great Depression. immediately he began to implement many programs to help fight the economic slump and help people to find stability and help the economy to grow. these economic actions can be divided into two categories: the first new deal and the second new deal. the first new deal was quite broad and aided many groups in society. Such as the Farmers Credit association (which gave immediate loans to help farmers keep their farms) and the Agricultural Adjustment Agency, which paid farmers not to produce so much and force produce prices up. another area that were helped for the massive amounts of unemployed (25% of the US were jobless after the depression, these being The Civilian conservation corps, the Civilian administration works and the Public Works administration. The needy were helped through the Federal Emergency RElief Administration and the Home owners Loan Corporation. The National Recovery Administration helped to get industry back on its feet. The second new deal helped develop the first. this included the Works progress association, the Social Security Act, in 1935, which introduced the welfare state in America, the Wagner act, which protected union members, and the Resettlement Administration. these all aided to get America back on its feet after the depression and improved the lives of many.

What influnced us economic recovery following the Great Depression?

The relief measures of the New Deal did put people to work. But the New Deal failed in its attempt to achieve a complete economic recovery. The recession of 1937 was proof that the New Dealers had not unlocked the secrets of maintaining economic prosperity during peacetime. Only when the nation began to prepare for World War II, along with massive purchases of American goods from abroad (and American rearmament), did the Great Depression come to an end. By 1939 the economy was on an upswing and by 1940, after war had begun in Europe, the Great Depression was history.