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The Underground Railroad

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Q: What was the secret network that helped slaves escape to the north?
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What Network of secret routes that allowed slaves to escape to the north?

Underground Railroad

What network of people helped slaves escape to the northern states?

network of people?? i don't know what you mean by network of people but Harriet Tubman helped the slaves be free!! is this an ok awnser?

Who helped slaves escape to freedom?

It was Harriet Tubman who helped the slaves escape.

What is the most correct description of the Underground Railroad?

D.It was a secret system which helped slaves escape to reedom.

Where was the under ground railroad?

the underground rail road was not a place but a network of people who helped slaves escape to the north and Canada

What did Sojourner Truth do for the slaves?

Helped slaves escape the South.

What were people called if they helped the slaves escape?

People who helped slaves escape were often referred to as conductors or stationmasters on the Underground Railroad.

Is the underground railroad still there?

The Underground railroad is not an actual railroad. It was a secret network of cooperation between slaves and those who helped them escape to freedom in attempts to give them that freedom. So, the U.R.R. may be in your heart or mind, but not in a physical place.

Who is the Underground Railroad?

The Underground Railroad was not a person or a railroad, it was a network of secret routes that allowed slaves to escape to free states in the mid 1800s, created by Harriet Tubman.

How many slaves did William Still help escape?

William still helped upto 60 slaves escape to Canada a month

What is the network that helped slaves freed?

the Underground Railroad

Who were the people who helped slaves escape from the plantations?

Harriet Tubman