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The temple was used for selling and buying. And this act angered Jesus according to The Bible.

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Q: What was the temple used for during the time of Jesus?
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As per the Bible, Jesus was brought up as a carpenter's son, and did not get much education, though he did read the Jewish scriptures, and he used to spend a lot of time in the Jewish temple.

What were animals used for in Palestine during the time of Jesus?

Goats, sheep, cattle, camels, horses, donkeys, etc.

How Jesus teach during his time?

Do you mean "How would Jesus teach during his time?" well that is easy? He preached peacefully while using peaceful demostrations of his power. He never harmed, insulted or threatened anyone. He used kindness and comfort to teach.

Where did Jesus clean the temple?

A:The 'Cleansing of the Temple' scene occurs right at the end of the synoptic gospels, as the trigger for the arrest of Jesus, but right at the beginning of John's Gospel. In this scene, Jesus cast out those who sold animals and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and of them that sold pigeons. For Second Temple Judaism, practised at the time of Jesus, worship of God required the sacrifice of an animal proportionate to the wealth of the supplicant and the purpose of the worship. Purchase at the Temple assured the faithful that animals were sound and healthy, as required for sacrifice to God. Purchases had to be made at a standard price, but the local currency was likely to devalue due to changes in metal content, so that a fixed price was not possible. The solution was to have moneychangers, who sold Syrian coins of fixed value, which were then used to purchase the sacrifice. All this took place in the outer courtyard of the Temple, as sanctioned by the priesthood.By the time the first gospel was written, the Temple was destroyed by the Romans, which meant that it was no longer possible to sacrifice at the Temple. Jews had to adopt new forms of worship, and perhaps the gospel author could preempt this disaster by reporting Jesus' displeasure at the sale of sacrificial animals, creating the 'Cleansing of the Temple'.

What violence did Jesus commit in the temple?

According to the gospels, Jesus entered the Temple and overturned the tables of themoneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves for sacrifice. He made a scourge and used it to drive the moneychangers out of the Temple. In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) this event created the reason for the religious authorities to arrest Jesus. In John, this event was moved to the beginning of the mission of Jesus and was instead the opportunity for Jesus to announce to the religious authorities the challenge to their authority that would be his mission.

Was Jesus African American or white?

Neither. Jesus was a Hebrew of Mixed-Race Lineage who existed on earth during a time when modern 'Racial / Ethnic' descriptors were NOT used or even heard of.

Who was the emperor during Jesus Christ death?

Even though Pilate judged Jesus, C easer Augustus was the ruler. The people shouted If you let him go then you are not Caesar friend. But remember, Caesar, at the time of Jesus' death was the title of the Roman emperor. The ancients never used the word emperor. they called him "Caesar". The "Caesar" who was the emperor at the time of Jesus' death was Tiberius.