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Due to the improper record keeping of the Russians, Any where from 6-7 Million casualties occured counting all of the nations at war. 3-4 Million soldiers died.

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Q: What was the total death count at the end of World War 1?
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The total death count from the Civil War stands at?


What was the death total in World War 2?

50-72 Million

Us death toll of World War 2?

405,400 was the count I found in a U.S. History book.

Why World War 2 is called the bloodiest war?

Because WWII had the most bloodshed total, meaning its had the highest death total of any war ever.

Death toll World War 2 Britain?

The total death toll for the United Kingdom in WW2 was 450,400

What are the total of death caused in world war 2?

i heard 1 person died.

What was the Death total of each country in World War 2?

See related Link for a list.

Did American casualties in World War 2 exceed those of the civil war?

In the US Civil War, the death count for American soldiers in total is estimated at between 620,000 to 650,000. In World War II, the US military death count was approximately 425,000 Plus. So if you mean in terms of US losses, more American soldiers died in the Civil War than in WW2. If the question involves the total number of people who died, regardless of nationality, then WW2 would have the most, since at least 20 million deaths were caused by WW2.

Who was Count Berchtold World War 1?

Count Leopold Berchtold was the Imperial Foreign Minister for Austria-Hungary during World War I.

What is the famous concentration camps of World War 2?

Auschwitz Bireknau is very famous for its 4+ Million death count, 1.25 million were Jewish.

What is the total death in wars?

the total death toll in a war is soldiers and civilians combined

What was the death ratio of Americans to Germans in world war 1?

1/13.5 but that isn't a particularly good reflection of total casualties during the war.