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Clinton was elected in 1992, so the year before was....anyone?..... Buehler?.....

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Q: What was the year before Bill Clinton was first elected US president?
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What day was Clinton elected president?

Clinton was elected for the first time on November 3,1992. He was elected a second time on November 5, 1996.

Since when was Bill Clinton elected president?

Bill Clinton was first elected as the 42nd President of the United States in November 1992. He served two terms in office, from January 1993 to January 2001.

Was the 1996 election Clinton's second term or first?

The 1996 election was Bill Clinton's second term. He was first elected as President in 1992 and then re-elected in 1996.

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William Jefferson Clinton.

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Actually, she was not elected. She was "appointed"-- chosen by the president to be in his cabinet. (President choose the people they want for their cabinet, and then the senate has to confirm them.) Mrs. Clinton was chosen to be Secretary of State during President Obama's first term.

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Former First Lady, Hillary Roddam Clinton, was elected to the US Senate from the State of New York after her husband, President William Jefferson Clinton, left office.

Bill Clinton was President after what President?

Bill Clinton was elected President after George HW Bush(the first Bush) served one term of office (1989-1993).

Was George Washington realy the first president?

He was the first elected President, several men held the office of President before him but none of them were elected.

This president is the first African American elected president?

The first and only African-American president in the US is Barack Obama. President Bill Clinton was jokingly called "America's first black president" because he had many black friends and promoted policies that helped black people, but Mr. Clinton was white. Barack Obama is in fact African-American, and when he was elected in 2008, he became the country's first black president.

Is Hillary Clinton the newly elected vice-president?

No. She was President Obama's Secretary of State for his first term. The recently reelected Vice-President is Joe Biden.

How old was Bill Clinton when he was president?

Bill Clinton was 46 years old when he was first elected and inaugurated (birthdate August 19, 1946). He was 50 when he was re-elected in 1996, and 54 when he left office in 2001.

How old was Bill Clinton when he was elected president?

Bill Clinton, the third-youngest U.S. President in history, was 46 when he won his first presidential election. Four years later, when he won again, he was 50.