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"Total War" is an act (to my understanding) that kills off the enemies arsenal and resources to stop the enemies from continuing to fight (rebel). Without the resources, the South would have no way to rebel against the Union anymore besides they were already low on resources. General Ulyssis S. Grant believed in total war and he ordered General William Tecumseh Sherman, also a believer in total war, to wage total war against the South. He set out in March 1864 from Tennessee to Georgia. Sherman reached Atlanta, South's main manufacturing and railroad center, on September and he burned the city.

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Cassandra McKenzie

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"Total War" is an act (to my understanding) that kills off the enemies arsenal and resources to stop the enemies from continuing to fight (rebel). Without the resources, the South would have no way to rebel against the Union anymore besides they were already low on resources. General Ulyssis S. Grant believed in total war and he ordered General William Tecumseh Sherman, also a believer in total war, to wage total war against the South. He set out in March 1864 from Tennessee to Georgia. Sherman reached Atlanta, South's main manufacturing and railroad center, on September and he burned the city.

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Q: What was total war and why did Sherman use it to help defeat the south?
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General Sherman was ordered to use "total warfare." He was to have his huge army find food along the way and to destroy the homes, railroads, factories and bridges that might help the enemy continue to resist.

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The civil war was more devastating in the south than in the north because...?

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