

What was townsend revenue acts?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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14y ago

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The Townshend Acts applied duties (taxes) to paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea imported by the colonies. Townshend had studied the colonist's distinction between internal and external taxes and he believed his duties were external as none of the products, except tea, could be made in the colonies. The colonists did not agree with his thinking and the result was a colonial boycott against British products. Trade between England and America fell off by 50 percent as a result of the boycott. The British merchants complained to Parliament who repealed the Townshend Duties except the tax on tea. The tea tax was kept in honor of the Declaratory Act. Parliament passed that act to declare that they did have the right to tax the colonies regardless of the American claim of internal or external taxation. The colonists would claim that the Declaratory Act was unconstitutional because the colonies did not have representation in Parliament. Great Britain claimed the colonies were represented "virtually," as Parliament represented all areas of the British Empire, regardless of whether or not a colony elected a representative to that legislative body. Thus, the debate over whether the colonies did have representation in Parliament would not be settled until the Revolution.

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When was the Townsend acts?

the townsend acts was passed in 1767

When was townsend act?

the townsend acts was passed in 1767

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Where did the townshend act take place?

The Townsend Acts pertained to the British Colonies in 1767 (The entire east coast of North America). The biggest thing you will hear about the Townsend Acts is the Boston Tea Party, which was a boycott of the restriction put in place by the Townsend Acts.

Why did the British repeal the Townsend Acts?

because they were getting no money

Was the Townsend acts responsible for the Boston massacre?

No. The townshend acts were not responsible for the Boston massacre. the Boston massacre was just a deadly riot. then the townsend acts was just like the king housing the redcoats without paying. they relly had no interjection between them.

What document criticized the Townsend acts as infringements?

Massachusetts "Circular Letter".

What did Parliament pass to keep the colonists from moving westward?

Townsend acts

How did the colonists. Protest the Townsend act?

Charles Townshend told parliament that he had a say to raise revenue in the colonies. So in 1767, parliament passed bid plan known as the Townshend acts. The first of the Townshend acts suspended new yorks assembly until new Yorkers agreed to provide housing for the troops.

What was ignored by the Ohio company -navigation acts Townsend acts intolerable acts proclamation of 1763?

The Proclamation of 1763 . . . . SOS Huh? YUP! thanks