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Q: What water boundaries may have hindered the westward spread of Zoroastrianism?
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Who found Zoroastrianism?

Zoroaster. He was the prophet and founder, and one of the authors of the Zend-Avesta, the main religious tome of the sect. It arose in what is now called Persia, and spread to India. There are still Zoroastrian temples in India.

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because westward, the air was colder and the colder it is then the better the gas in the gas chambers will spread and make the people die quicker and not suffer as much.

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to prevent the spread of slavery westward as new territories became states.

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it is opposite because subdution sinks in the earth crust and back up and spreading boundaries spread appart.

Why do you think Darius supported the spread of Zoroastrianism throughout the Persian empire?

He saw it as a unifying force, just as he encouraged Aramaic as a lingua franca.