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They have different side chains.

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7y ago

The side groups.

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Related questions

Do amino acids differ from fatty acids?

There are 20 different amino acids. They differ from one another because they all have different side chains.

How do proteins differ from one another in the number and sequence of amino acids?

the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain differs from protein to protein -xbanditlover

How does one protein differ from another protein?

how does one protein differ from another protein?

How are proteins distinguished from one another?

Different types of proteins are formed by the bonding of different types of amino acids. There are typically four types of amino acids that make up a protein.

Amino acids can be distinguished from one another by?

Amino acids all have an amino group attached to them. There are 20 different amino groups, and therefore 20 different types of amino acids.

What type of bond do amino acids form?

Amino acids form peptide bonds when bonding with one another.

How might one protien differ from another?

Different amino acids, bends, hydrogen bonds, sulphur bonds, sugar attachments, etc.

What do Amino acids form one another by?


How are amino acids different from one another?

amino acid molecules are water soluble meaning they cannot enter the cell. Fatty acid molecules CAN enter the cell.

What part of the amino acids varies from one amino acids to another?

The "R" group is different in different kinds of amino acids. The "R" group can be a number of different molecules that are attached to the alpha carbon.

What does amino acids produce?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, one of the most essential molecules for life. Amino acids can be linked to one another to form a chain called polypeptides. Long polypeptides are proteins. The process that creates these proteins starting from the amino acids is called translation

Relate amino acids polyperptides and proteins?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Several amino acids linked to one another end to end via peptide bonds form a small chain of amino acids that is called a polypeptide. When hundreds of amino acids are linked together to form a complex three dimensional structure, this structure is called a protein.