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When investigating crimes they can, and will, use any website that may be helpful. They are not restricted to only using certain ones.

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Q: What websites do police use?
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Where can I locate DUI pictures online?

Google, or police websites, you may also want to find some from local police websites or federal websites. You can find most of these on local police websites.

Where could one learn more about the Hampshire Police force?

One can learn more about the Hampshire Police force on various websites like Hampshire and Guardian. Both websites offer a great amount of information about the Hampshire Police.

Where can one find videos online of a police crash?

Videos of police crashes can be found at Veoh, YouTube, FootyPD, MetaCafe and at local news station websites. NBC, CBS and ABC have archived news footage of police crashes that can be viewed at their regional websites.

Where can one purchase a used police motorcycle?

Used police bikes can be found at police vehicle auctions. They are also available for purchase on Websites such as eBay Motors, or for sale on Craigslist.

Why do police use civilians in police work?

Police themselves are civilians.

What car use uae police?

The UAE police cars are usually Bentley. These are the patrol cars that the police in UAE use.

Define the Green Police?

Through my research and looking at several websites for various Green Police Departments its seems that they are police officers with a high focus on community outreach hope this helps!

Can schools use police forms to take voluntary statements from students without police being there?

No they can not use police forms , without the police being there in person.

How do you be a police women?

no different from a policeman. Check websites for local departments and see if they are hiring.

Are there websites that the police rig to arrest internet predators?

Yes, Craigslist is the main one.

What program do websites use to make information available to other websites?

they don't use a program they use wireless interfaces to connect to severs that have the websites information

What is a police radar?

A radar that the police use to detect stuff.