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The Venetian Ghetto, which is actually where the term comes from, is emblematic of ghettos worked. The areas where Jews were allowed to live were walled off from the rest of Canareggio district in Venice. There were height restrictions on buildings as well, leading to general overcrowding and lack of sanitation. These ghettos were ruled autonomously by two major community pillars: the Rabbis at the Beit Din or Courthouse and the Kahal or Board of Trustees.

The Rabbi and Beit Din (which would have several Rabbis serving as judges) would be the moral leadership of the community and would represent the community to the Gentile authorities as a singular leader. He was also the judge or arbitrator for legal disputes and religious disputes within the community. The Kahal was appointed by some of the wealthier Jewish families and was composed entirely of Jewish laity. Gentile Authorities permitted the Kahal to maintain Law and Order within the ghetto on a more practical level. Among the Kahal's duties was to collect taxes both on their own behalf (to maintain local police, feed the rabbi, etc.) and on behalf of the Gentile sovereign. The Kahal would then present a representative of the Gentile Sovereign, like a tax collector, the fees for the entire Jewish community.

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What were the Ghettos and how were they used?

They are called 'Jewish ghettos', they were used to house Jews (and gypsies).

When the ghettos become more visible in the society?

Ghettos are dating back to 15th centuries and Europe. They definitely weren't what they are today, but they were like isolated neighbourhoods. There were Jewish ghettos, where Jewish traders lived and worked, all kinds of them. They didn't start as scary black neighbourhoods, but as normal parts of cities.

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Ghettos, the same as for any neighborhood that is segregated for ethnic or cultural reasons.

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