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Ghettos, the same as for any neighborhood that is segregated for ethnic or cultural reasons.

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Q: What were segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities?
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Segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities during World War 2?

Segregated Jewish areas in Polish cities were called Ghettos. Hope this helps :)


Part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority or persecuted group, usually in crowded and insanitary conditions

How to survive in the polish ghetto?

do you mean the areas in Germany used for housing the Polish workers? there were no ghettos for gentile Poles in Poland, only Jewish ghettos.

Where are the areas of Jewish religion?

There aren't areas of the Jewish religion.

Are there any areas or regions that have higher numbers of Jewish people?

America, especially large cities such as NYC and Los Angeles; and Israel.

What were the ghetto's and how did the nazi convince so many Jewish to enter the ghettos?

They were areas of cities or town set aside for Jewish habitation, they got Jews to live there by showing them that the alternative was less appealing.

Why is Michigan so racially segregated?

Many states and cities appear to still be segregated racially. One reason is because people tend to choose to live in areas within their comfort zone. Those of certain racial groups may choose to live near others who share similar cultural experiences.

Where do Jews in the northeast live?

If you are referring to the north east of the United States, there are Jews in various locations but there is a notably large Jewish population in New York City and smaller Jewish populations in the major cities of Washington DC, Boston, and Philadelphia, as well as in the suburban areas surrounding those cities.

Some of the public areas that were segregated included?

Schools, theaters, restaurants, clubs, waiting rooms.

How do you put coeducation in a sentence?

hile coeducation has grown in popularity elsewhere, gender-segregated schooling continues to predominate in many other areas of the world.

How were the Jews treated in Poland before the Nazi invasion?

In 1939 Poland had the biggest Jewish community in the world after the US. The Polish government was notoriously antisemitic, especially after the death of Marshal Pilsudski in 1935. For example, their were 'Jewish quotas' in many areas of life (universities, for example) and in a wide range of occupations, including menial occupations, like railway porters. After the war, a few hundred Jewish Holocaust survivors were murdered by extreme Polish nationalists, and there was a pogrom in Kielce in July 1946.

In the current conflict were the areas in southern Israel that Hamas attacked with rockets settlements of Palestinian lands?

The cities that Hamas continues to target with unguided rockets are cities situated on land that is part of the Jewish region as defined by resolution of the UN's General Assembly.