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Q: What were aristotle's unwritten laws?
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Are traditional aboriginal laws unwritten or written?

unwritten they pasted them down using dances and stories

What aspect of lawmaking is a result of the unwritten Constitution?

There is no unwritten constitution, so no laws are made as a result of one.

Unwritten constitution includes the practice of?

judicial reviewThe unwritten constitution includes the practice of Judicial Review of Laws.

What was bill swanson famous for?

He wrote many unwritten laws

What are the possible difficulties that can arise from having such unwritten laws?

this is not true

What is there tradition from the unwritten constitution the determines which presidential candidate the electors vote for?

There is no unwritten constitution and the election laws for president are in the constitution.

What are some unwritten laws?

cabinet of advisers, 4 year term

What is the different between written and unwritten law in Philippines?

Unwritten laws in the Philippines are not written in books but it is through oral method with the implied understanding while written laws are written in books in which when violated will fetch a sanction.

Who has an unwritten Constitution based on laws court decisions and customs?

Great Britain

What was the Common law during the medieval period?

unwritten laws that came from local customs

What was the result of plebeian protests of unfairness of Rome's unwritten laws in 450 BC?

The result was the first Roman code of written laws, the laws of the twelve Tables.

What made up the German common law?

many unwritten laws based on local customs