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Timed and massed, artillary guns would fire on fixed targets in various and increasingly complex patterns. The idea was that the overwhelming and concentrated fire was far more effect than individual guns firing on their own.

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Q: What were artillery barrages in World War 1?
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What are the links between World War 1 and World War 2?

Both wars utilized Airplanes, tanks, artillery barrages, and Anti Submarine Convoys. Both wars used machine guns and snipers heavily, first wars were mass production was first used on all sides.

Who used the Artillery in world war 1?

All sides in WW1 used artillery.

Is artillery effective in World War 1?

yes it was

How did Artillery impact World War 1?

it didnt

What term was used for an artillery barrage during World War 1?

An " artillery barrage" was the term

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How were ARTILLERY used in world war 1?

Artillery in WW1 was used in Battery or even larger formations.

Did the us use artillery in World War 1?

Yes. Everybody with enough money and technology used artillery.

How many people did artillery kill in World War I?

In World War 1 around 8,500,000 soilders died during World War One. Now artillery killed the most people in World War 1. But to be totally honest it is impossible to know exactly how many people died because of Artillery in World War 1. Studies have shown however that around 65% of all deaths during World War One were caused by artillery. If we do the math this comes out to around 5,525,000 people. So to answer your question no-one really knows but peoples best guess is that 4.5 to 5.5 million people died because of artillery in World War One.

What type of war is World War 1 known for?

World War 1 was known for its long and dangerous trench warfare and for extended artillery bombardments.

What was the most advanced weapon in World War I?

Probably artillery; it was responsible for many of the deaths in World War 1.

How big was Russia's artillery in World War 1?

weak yet strong