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Q: What were common crimes that were committed in Tudor times?
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What sort of crimes were committed in the Victorian times?

Crimes committed in Victorian times ranged from theft and burglary to more violent offenses like murder and assault. Prostitution, gambling, and vagrancy were also common crimes during this period. Additionally, there were laws against activities deemed immoral, such as public drunkenness and indecency.

What was punishment in Tudor time?

ye olde punishment. Ha Ha another useless answer...punishment was very severe in Tudor times, they did awful things to those who had committed crimes, some too gruesome to mention....but the Tudors were not alone, similar ones were used across Europe.

What was the common illness in Tudor times on a ship?


Are there any illnesses today that were around in Tudor times?

Common Cold.

Who is the Abraham man in Tudor times?

The "Abraham man" was a tudor beggar,back in the tudor times.

What crimes were there in medieval times?

Kidknapping, burgling and stealing were most common

What the Tudors did for punishments?

AnswerIn Tudor times loads of people were causing crimes and they need to have a penalty for their crimesAnswerPunishments in any age are needed so that a society does not have anarchy..we have punishments for crimes and so did they...theirs were just more severe

What was the name of a Tudor newspaper?


How were letters sealed at Tudor times?

Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax

Were they punishments in Tudor times for rich?

no because they did not have the money RUBBISH...IF YOU were wealthy, and you committed a crime, you were treated pretty much the same as the poor.

Were there trains in the Tudor times?

There were no trains in the Tudor times. They had only first come out in 1872

What is a Tudor fishmonger?

It's a Fishmonger who was alive in Tudor times