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The rise of consumerism in the 1950s emphasized gender roles (the man works, while the woman stays at home) and de-emphasized class roles. The idea that anyone could attain "the good life" was reinforced by the booming economy and consumerism.

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Q: What were effects of Rise of consumerism in 1950's?
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Industries doing very well and growth of domestic consumerism led to U.S. economic growth in the 1950s.

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Industries doing very well and growth of domestic consumerism led to U.S. economic growth in the 1950s.

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Many social critics in the 1950s criticized Americans for their conformity. The 1950s were a time of consumerism and everyone wanted to fit in and realize the American Dream.

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The increase in income available for consumerism The growth of household incomes

What contributed to the realization of the American Dream in the 1950s?

. The increase in income available for consumerism The growth of household incomes

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There are several types and style of essays, and a couple could apply to the effects of consumerism. The most appropriate would be an expository essay.

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One of the destructive effects that consumerism has had would be that of "global warming". As society's use of certain chemicals have increased, so has irreversible damage to the environment.

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The increase of produced goods from former wartime factories increased the goods available for purchase, which increased consumerism and consumer spending.

What of the following helped lead to U.S. economic growth in the 1950s?

the growth of domestic consumerism