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Uppermost were the imperialistic ambitions of the Nazis of Germany, and those of Japan, Italy and Russia.

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Q: What were four long term causes of World War 2?
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What was the main long term causes of world war 1?


Describe the four causes of World War I?

The 4 main causes of World War 1 are:militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.________________________________________The four main long term causes were militarism, secret aliances, imperialism and nationalism. The main short term cause is the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austrian throne). He was shot by Gavrilo Pricip after the attempted bombing failed.

What long-term factors led to the outbreak of World War 1?

There were 4 main long term causes that led to the outbreak of World War I. These causes included militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism.

What are long term and short term causes?

Short term causes are what happened on the day long term is what happened in advance

What are some long term causes of invasion of Poland?

the second world war and to some degree the Holocaust.

What were the long term causes in the victory of the Normans in the battle of hastings?

The long term causes of this battle were what happened before the event

What are long term short term and trigger causes?

Long term causes are things that happen over time, and build up. Short term causes are things that happen just before a certain event and trigger causes are things that spark of an event.

Long term causes of the Sepoy rebellion?

In about four years after the rebellion they started to make Pickled Pickles.

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gleneagles agreement- short term apartheid-long term

What is the cause to the Great War?

World War I had 4 long-term causes and one immediate cause. The assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke was the immediate cause, the reason war was justified enough to actually begin. The other four are the MAIN causes of the war, Miliatariam, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.

How long is the term for a federal bank chairman?

A four year term.

How long is a the presidents term?

Four years.