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Look up any book about Elizabethan England and you will read of the elaborate send-offs given the Royalty. One odd difference with today"s mortuary practices was the unless ( In Season) flowers were not used - even in the case of Elizabeth I. The Queen died in March of l603, evidentally floristry was not as advanced.

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First of all in those medieval times, the church was dominant in world affairs and all funerals, wakes, lying in state, the works- were conducted in or on the property of- the church. This in part explains why medieval Cathedrals had so many auxiliary chapels. some could be used for mortuary use, others for various devotionals. there would at the most be only Three Main Altars, however, the Center- for masses, and the two side altars usually devoted to Saint Mary and St. Joseph. Some churches had a so-called Lady Chapel which as the name suggests, was intended for female use- including funerals. A medieval practice that has survived- at least in the Armed Forces- is burying the deceased in the costumes they normally used in everday life- Knights in their field armor- usually the dress variety, Kings, Queens and Nobles in appropriate attire, and so on. The Noblewomen who saw action in the field- they had quite a few, would have a feminized Knight costume. If they died in the field ( combat) - they would have their armored boots On! Centures before Custer of the West! It is amazing how some of these ancient funerary customs have been revived in modern dress.

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Q: What were funerals like in the 1200's?
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