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The answer is silk and and tea

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Q: What were some items traded by the Chinese?
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Some of the items they traded were spices,gems e.t.c

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Some things that got traded in the Renaissance were artwork and scientific ideas.

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The Chinese exported copper and iron goods, porcelain, silks , linens, books, sugar, and rice to Japan and Southeast Asia in return for spices and exotic items like rhino horns.

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Chinese merchants traded luxury goods for?

Luxury good were traded by Chinese merchants for Spices, Teas, and Porcelain goods.

What did they trade for on yhe silk road?

The merchents, traders, etc traded items which were famous in their area. For, instance, the Chinese traded Jade and Silk for other items. While exchanging goods, they also exchanged culture, religion, diseases and ideas. So, thats why our cultures had an infusion at that time. ☺

Why commonly traded items in Africa were so widely traded?

Its cheap

Who traded in the silk roads?

The Chinese

What was silk traded for?

the Chinese traded silk for gold, silver and precious pebbles.