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Luxury good were traded by Chinese merchants for Spices, Teas, and Porcelain goods.

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How did the gupta empire profit from trade routes?

Trade helped the Gupta Empire thrive. Salt, cloth, and iron were common goods traded in India. Indian merchants also traded with China and with lands in Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean area. The Gupta rulers benefited from their control of much of the trade. They owned silver and gold mines and large estates.

Describe trade during the gupta empire?

Trade helped the Gupta Empire thrive. Salt, cloth, and iron were common goods traded in India. Indian merchants also traded with China and with lands in Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean area. The Gupta rulers benefited from their control of much of the trade. They owned silver and gold mines and large estates.

What were some interactions with the first nations and Alexander Mackenzie?

he traded goods for furs and culture and language

What is the Triangular-trade?

As a general term, triangular trade is a system involving goods from three locations, each of which has a demand in one of the others. Goods from location 1 are transported to location 2, where they are traded for local goods; the goods from location 2 are transported to location 3, where they are traded for local goods; then the goods from location 3 are transported to location 1, where they are traded for local goods. The trade goes on and on, to the benefit of the traders, the shippers, and, hopefully, the people in the locations involved.As a specific term, the Triangular Trade was a system in which African slaves were traded for agricultural produce, which was traded for New World manufactured goods, which was traded for European manufactured goods, which was traded for slaves.Typically, the slaves were taken by ship from Africa to the Caribbean, where they were traded for molasses. This was taken to New England and traded for rum and ironware. These were taken to Britain and traded for weapons, beads, copper, cloth, and whatever else traders though might appeal to people who sold slaves in Africa. And these were traded for more slaves.A trade thourgh North America, Afirca and Europe. If you draw it on a map it makes a triangle. This trade was made when Columbus found North America. They got slaves from Africa, livestock and corn from Europe, and North America had new fruits and veggis, the cocoa bean, and other unknown crops at the time.

What was the 3 part trade system that traded goods and slaves called?

The general term for this is "triangular trade".

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What did merchants do?

They traded goods.

What are the major traded goods along the Silk Road?

Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or brought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.

What's sumerian merchants?

Sumerian merchants are people (in or from Sumer (soo-mur) that sell, buy, and trade goods. They traded good to get what they needed.

What did the Maya call merchants?

The merchants were the Mayan people that traded goods for things they might want.

Who would be most likely to analyze a tablet with cuneiform to determine what goods were traded by the merchants of Ur?

A historian would be most likely to analyze a tablet with cuneiform to determine what goods were traded by the merchants of Ur.

Who would be most likely to analyze a tablet to cuneiform to determin what goods were traded by the merchants of Ur?

A historian would be most likely to analyze a tablet with cuneiform to determine what goods were traded by the merchants of Ur.

What did zheng he traded to the other countries to get in?

zheng he traded Chinese goods to the other countries to get in.

What did the Chinese trade and what goods did they receive from other people?

they traded silk for gold and other goods !

What was the colonist response to the sugar act?

colonial merchants often traded in smuggled goods, reacted with anger.

Who did the coureurs de bois trade with?

Coureurs de bois traded with Aboriginal people for furs, and then traded the furs to European merchants for money or goods.

Why did European merchants generally trade gold and silver for Chinese goods in ming china rather than manufactured goods of their own?

European manufactured goods were generally of lower quality than Chinese goods.

What was the triangular trade route and what was traded?

goods and merchants and people i got this out of a world history book so this is no lie!