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Thomas Hobbes is known for his social contract theory, particularly the idea that individuals in a state of nature would be in a constant state of war, and thus would create a social contract to establish a governing authority to maintain peace and order. He also believed in the central authority of the sovereign, arguing that absolute monarchy was the most effective form of government to prevent chaos and ensure stability in society.

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Q: What were some notable ideas that Thomas Hobbes had?
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What were some of Thomas Hobbes accomplishments?

Thomas Hobbes was an influential philosopher known for his work on political theory, particularly his idea of the social contract and the Leviathan as a metaphor for the state. His most famous work, "Leviathan," laid the foundation for modern political thought and influenced subsequent philosophers like John Locke and Rousseau. Hobbes's ideas on sovereignty and the role of government continue to be studied and debated in political philosophy.

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What are some of thomas hobbes works?

Some of Thomas Hobbes' notable works include "Leviathan," "De Cive," and "Behemoth." These works delve into political philosophy, social contract theory, and the nature of human nature and government. "Leviathan" is his most famous work, outlining his views on the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order.

Thomas Hobbes came up with social contract and his version said?

Thomas Hobbes believed that humans by nature are violent and selfish and would not survive unless some kind of government was established that created order. In a state of nature, humans would steal, kill and disregard the rights of others without a social contract.

Who is Hobbes and what did he do?

Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher best known for his work Leviathan, in which he explored the concept of the social contract and the need for a strong central authority to prevent a state of nature, which he described as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." Hobbes argued that individuals willingly give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and security provided by the government.

What did Thomas hobbes do?

Thomas Hobbes was an important enlightenment thinker. In his masterpiece Leviathan he said that people by nature were selfish and ambitious. He believed that the type of government needed to control this was absolute monarchy. It was a king of social contract or agreement among members of society, people submitted to an authoritarian ruler to prevent disorder. Although he was a monarchist , his idea of a social contract was important for the developement of democracy.(The answer is in italics in the end.)

What is the name of the Calvin and Hobbes authors number one book?

The number one book by Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson is "The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury," which is a collection of some of the best comic strips from the series.

What were some of Thomas Jefferson's ideas?

Two of Thomas Jefferson's ideas were also John Locke's ideas (life and liberty), and the other one was pursuit of happiness. He wrote this instead of "property", because he didn't want to plagiarize what John Locke wrote.