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one of Anne Bonny's crimes were she attacked a Spanish ship

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Q: What were some of Anne Bonny's crimes?
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What was Anne Bonnys real name?

Anne Bonny's real name was Anne Cormac.

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What is anne bonnys parents careers?

her father was a lawyer and her mother was a maid.

What are some of Anne Bonny's crimes?

she killed some one

Did anne bonny have a flag?

On Anne bonnys flag it was black with a white skull and cross bones the 1 pink heart at both sides of the bones

What was anne bonnys childs name?

It is generally accepted based upon information from her descendants that Anne Bonny had two children. Neither of which is named publicly, but the first one took on the name Cunningham. The second child was born in what is now South Carolina.

What crime did anne bonny commit?

The crimes Anne Bonny commited was she sank a spanish ship and other things!

What was anne bonnys greatest achievements?

Anne Bonny's greatest achievement was becoming a notorious pirate alongside her partner Calico Jack, successfully plundering ships and evading capture for many years. Her defiant and adventurous spirit made her a legend in the pirate world, and she remains a prominent figure in pirate folklore.

How did Anne Boleyn die?

Anne Boleyn was accused of witchcraft, adultery and incest. As she was married to the King, these crimes were tantamount to high treason. She was beheaded on May 19, 1536.

Is intent an element of most crimes?

Yes, intent is an element to most crimes. The concept of mens rea deals with intent in crimes. There are some crimes, however, that are strict liability, and therefore have no level of intent requirement.

Why are some of the crimes are not judged outside school?

Your question is unclear. Crimes are judged by a court not by a school. Crimes cannot be judged unless charges are brought against the perpetrator.

What are the example of crimes against fundamental law of state?

Some crimes against the state is treason, sedition and rebellion